
Saturday, February 23, 2013

An Introduction...

Hello all.  As Lise has just done, I am formally introducing myself to everyone out there who is willing to read this blog.  My name is Chris.  I am currently a senior business major at Pacific Lutheran University with a marketing concentration.  I am expecting to graduate this May.  At this point I have no idea what I want to do (career wise) after graduation; better figure that one out fast because the real world is going to come at me fast.

When it comes to the internet, I have always known how vast it is and how rapidly it is expanding.  But when you actually learn statistics about just how large the internet is, and all the possible threats and cautions it really makes you think.  When it comes to social media sites, I have really only been exposed to Myspace (back in the day), Facebook and Twitter.  When Facebook was just starting to become popular, I was one of those people who kept telling themselves they would not get an account.  Low and behold I gave in to that one.  I rarely use my Twitter account; sometimes I ask myself why I even have one?  That being said I am excited to explore various other social media sites that have become the norm in today's society.  I hope that some of you will join us and contribute to our blog with your own thoughts and experiences.

Until next time...You stay classy San Diego.  (Ok, lame Anchorman reference aside I really do look forward to hearing from anyone and everyone)


1 comment:

  1. Nice introduction. Hope you have a great blogging experience. Looking forward to reading your posts.
